
Friday, June 4, 2010

Back to the herd

This is Daphne Duck, she's a 2 year old Lincoln and she had one baby last year that I kept. There is nothing special about Daphne . She is a layed back, quiet, friendly girl. She has wonder fleece also. I have some of her fiber on my wheel that I'm experimenting with right now. I'll show that later. I'm really happy with how it's turning out. I finally got some of my flower beds weeded out and I was amazed to find so many different flowers that I forgot were there. Now I have to till my garden up and get that going. Saturday hopefully. If I can stay away from the babies I find I can get a lot of work done. Vanessa's babies will hopefully make it. Neither one would take a bottle at first.  I went to check on them  when I got home from work tonight. Wilson ran up to me so I thought I'd try giving him a bottle. I made 8 ounces up and took it out and he drank THE WHOLE thing. I think he was really hungry. I made one for Spalding and took it out but he refused it again. I'll try again when I get up. He seems to be doing okay though. Maybe he is getting enough grass and grain to make him happy. They are only a month old though and they really need milk yet. I'll watch him very closely. That's it for tonight.


Kathy in KY said...

Ha Ha! I love the name Daphne Duck - too funny. I hope the lambs will be OK, too, but they have a good start at already being a month old, and maybe they will both come around better to the bottle today. I was going to ask what you were doing up at 2 a.m., but then I was up then, too. Looking forward to you posting about your spinning. Have a great Friday, hope you get some of your chores accomplished today. Bye for now from hot and humid KY.

sheeps and me said...

Hi Kathy-still hot there huh? I am getting rain today. It helps the pastures grow. Spalding did take a little of the bottle today but not much. Wilson drank the whole thing. I'm sure he will do fine. I got some hay and put it in the creep feeder and he was eating it. To answer your question of being up at 2am....I work strange hours. I work 4 days a week. Sometimes 10-12-13 hours and when I get home I usually end up out in the sheep pen first checking to see if everyone is okay, then I come in and check my favorite blogs. SOooo, what are you doing up at 2am???Did you find out about the job yet?

Kathy in KY said...

Hi Linda - I was beside myself yesterday because I hadn't heard about the job. So, I just had to email the Library Director to see if they'd decided on who to hire. I heard from him this morning that they are still trying to decide, which is a good thing. Guess I'll find out next week sometime. I have a very weird sleeping pattern in that I take a few naps a day, and sometimes at about 9 or 10 at night, thinking that I'll accomplish some things when I wake up at 1 or 2 in the morning, like crocheting on a couple of afghans, etc, but usually I end up just like you, catching up on my favorite blogs. LOL - I can't decide if I am a night owl, or just a very early riser. I'm glad Spalding took some of the bottle today. He's probably getting some feed, and is not that hungry if he seems OK otherwise. Have a great weekend! And, yes, it is still hot here, but we did get an afternoon thunderstorm, but it passed quickly, and now the sun is out again - more 80 degree weather for the weekend, with pop-up thunderstorms possible. Take care.

Kathy in KY said...

Hi Linda - been back and forth to bed - just checkin to see if you're online. Hope all is well with your lambs this weekend. Have a good one. Take care.